Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Call for old photographs

Mandy has inspired me! She shared this fantastic photo of a paintball/BBQ afternoon from several years ago and it got me thinking... There must be a lot of students with photographs from past years lurking about. I'd love to see them. If you have any photos from past Chung-Deh years, please post the photos or links in the comments section so we can all enjoy them (and see how old we've gotten).

- Paul

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This is a call out to all past graduates!  Tell us what you've been up to.   Did you go on with your education?  Did you travel abroad?  Did you get married.  Did you become a monk?  Did you join the secret service and go undercover?  Did you start a business?   Did you decide to cast off the world, go live under a bridge and write bad poetry?  Or did you just stay home and become a professional couch potato?  Whatever you've been doing, we'd like to know.